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Many of you have been faithfully following the Chronicles on my Facebook page and I thank you! However, now you can get the uncensored thoughts and happenings as well as some of my off-color comments that may or may not sit well with the mainstream! So, if you are easily offended the LIQ Chronicles Blog is not for you! For those of you who are brave enough, welcome!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

"Shooter Etiquette"

* No Sipping! Take it all!

* Purchase a round of shots all at once! Cheapskates not allowed!

* Always be the person to buy the first round! Folks will remember that, maybe?

* Always tip the first round! (Cuz if you don't you will spend too much later!)

* Return all the glasses to the same area when finished!

* Stacking is appreciated by many bartenders, unless u turn them over!

****from the Little Black Book of Shots

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